In other places, Italian Society for the Study of State of Consciousness, 5 - Different Autors
  • In other places, Italian Society for the Study of State of Consciousness, 5 - Different Autors

In other places, Italian Society for the Study of State of Consciousness, 5 - Different Autors

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In other places, Italian Society for the Study of State of Consciousness, 5 - Different Autors

Gilberto Camilla:modified states of consciousness, hallucinogenics and sexuality.

George Lapassade: Ecstatic dissociation.

Stacy Schaefer: the importance of peyote in huichol culture.

Garcia Bravo: in tune with the world towards Virikuta on the way of Hikuri the peyote.

Camilla-Picinni: art huichol

White Braggio: Navajo and Peyote.

Peyote, botanical aspects.

Peyote chemistry.

Mescalinic Cactus.

Peyote and mescaline: essential bibliography.

Gabriel Slonina Ubaldini: interview with the shaman Nadia Stepanova.

De Martino-Lapassade: the poster of the new psychedelia, the dawn of the trance.

Michel Mabit: ayahuasca and shamanism in drug addiction therapy.

Takiwasi: the journey of patient Takiwasi.

Adriana Verlangieri: ayahuasca: a shamanic phenomenon for the third millennium.

Renato Curcio: modified states of and in the recruitment.