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Mother's Finest Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds
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  • Mother's Finest Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds

Mother's Finest Reg. 10 Seeds - Sensi Seeds

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Regular variation

Winner of the Canna♪

Hybrid Sativa /

Short flowering period

High plant

Heavy duty

Sunny / Mediterranean


Award-winning seeds that produce high quality sativa plants with a high yield potential. The powerful effect excites fans of Haze with almost psychedelic qualities.

Cultivation of Mother's Finest Regular

This cannabis strain comes from Jack Herer's production program. Unlike Jack, the Mother's Finest Regular tends more towards Haze. 70% sativa genes and 30% genes give growers a good idea of what to expect.

A sativa hybrid with a flowering time of 50-70 days, and elegant and tall plants. The characteristic conical shape of the buds becomes immediately evident. They mature in impressive lime green formations surrounded by a fine resin. Some phenotypes form a powerful main cole.

In particular during the flowering phase, these plants quickly increase in height. Growth can be limited with a Screen of Green (SCROG), with plants accurately tied to the mesh network. There is a pleasant side effect: These plants generally increase yield. Outdoor cultivation is recommended only in Mediterranean or tropical climates. Given the high proportion of Haze, the abundance of light and heat are crucial for a successful growth.

These regular seeds produce female and male plants. Whether you select a particular phenotype or want to cultivate your intersections - regular cannabis seeds Sensi Seeds produce strong and stress resistant plants.

Effect, taste and smell of Mother's Finest Regular

The Jack Herer is known for its powerful effect that transports to stratospheric heights. From this point of view, Mother's Finest has nothing in common with his older brother. The vicious and edifying effect leaves no doubt about the high content of Haze. Some consumers also experience psychedelic effects.

Taste and smell strongly depend on phenotype. Most know of pine, with traces of moss, terrose afgane notes and sweet skunk flavors. The buds have a strong smell even when they are in bloom. The discreet growers of Guerrilla, eager not to draw attention to itself, should choose a different variety. Jack is a perfect alternative.